Belzei Gertrude

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Belzei Gertrude
ベルゼイ・ガートルード Beruzei Gaatoruudo
Season Futari wa Pretty Cure
Gender Male
Eye Color Purple
Hair Color Grey
Home Place Dusk Zone
First Appearance FPC29
Alter Ego Yuuki Genbu
Theme Color Purple
Japanese Voice Actor Nishimura Tomomichi
English Voice Actor Paul Hudson

Belzei Gertrude (ベルゼイ・ガートルード Beruzei Gaatoruudo?) is one of the Seeds of Darkness to have been created by the Dark King after the first time Cure Black and Cure White defeated him. He is the leader of the three Seeds, and apparently the strongest. His main color is purple, and he gets rather irritated with Regine and Juna sometimes. His human alias is Yuuki Genbu (ゆうき ひでひこ Yuuki Hidehiko?) (Dr. Encastle in the English dub).

He and the others use Pretty Cure and the mascots to call upon the power to create later in the series, using a pile of destroyed furniture to mimic the hill of light. At the end of the series, they morph into one being and try to overturn the Dark King with the power to create, but fail, being killed in the process. When he fusions with Regine and Juna, all his body, including hair, became dark black.

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