Verone Academy

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Verone Academy (Verone Junior High in the English dub) is an all girl's school inFutari wa Pretty Cure and Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart. It is the school which Nagisa, Honoka and Hikari go to.

The school consists of two buildings with one building for educating the girls and the other for the boys. The school has many extra curricular activities including a Lacrosse Club which Nagisa attented and became the captain of in Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart. Also a Science Club which Honoka attends and becomes president of in the sequel. The school has many extra-curricular clubs including a football club which Shougo Fujimura and Kimata attend.

Uniform[edit | edit source]

Verone Academy uniform for girls and boys.

The uniform consists of a red blazer and white shirt. The shirt is adorned by a striped blue bow-tie for girls or a necktie for boys. For girls the bottom is a teal checkered skirt, for boys the bottom is teal or gray trousers. The girls wear white knee length socks and brown shoes. In winter the students wear a gray coat.

Notable Students[edit | edit source]

Girls[edit | edit source]

Boys[edit | edit source]

Notable Staff[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]
