Yukishiro Sanae

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Yukishiro Sanae
雪城 さなえ Yukishiro Sanae
Season Futari wa Pretty Cure
Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart
Gender Female
Home Place Garden of Rainbows
Relatives Yukishiro Honoka (granddaughtrer), Yukishiro Taro, (son-in-law) Yukishiro Aya (daughter)
First Appearance FwPC01
Japanese Voice Actor Masako Nozawa
English Voice Actor Michelle Armeneau

Yukishiro Sanae (雪城 さなえ Yukishiro Sanae?) is Honoka's Grandma. Quietly, she knows Nagisa and Honoka are really Pretty Cure but doesn't let them know about it. She possessed Mipple in the past as shown as she has a Card Commune while she tells Honoka and Nagisa a story about never giving up and it's implied that during this was at time of World War 2 in Japan when she was a child.

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